Physical Symptoms

Headaches and Migraines: Understanding the Causes and Symptoms of Irlen Syndrome

Headaches and Migraines: Understanding the Causes and Symptoms of Irlen Syndrome

Headaches and migraines can be incredibly debilitating, causing sufferers to experience intense pain, nausea, and even...

Difficulty with Close Work: Symptoms of Irlen Syndrome

Difficulty with Close Work: Symptoms of Irlen Syndrome

Do you ever find yourself having difficulty focusing on close work, such as reading or writing? You may be experiencing a ...

Light Sensitivity - Symptoms of Irlen Syndrome/Physical Symptoms

Light Sensitivity - Symptoms of Irlen Syndrome/Physical Symptoms

Light sensitivity can be a debilitating condition for those who suffer from it, as it can make everyday activities...

Eye Strain and Fatigue: Understanding the Physical Symptoms of Irlen Syndrome

Eye Strain and Fatigue: Understanding the Physical Symptoms of Irlen Syndrome

Do you feel like your eyes are constantly strained or fatigued? You may be suffering from Irlen Syndrome. This condition, ...